

6 steps (loop)

1)Discover Improvement Potential 2)Analyze Current Methods 3)Generate Original Ideas 4)Develop implementation plan 5)implement 6)Evaluation new Methods

Note : (4) should be left out and become "just do it" most of the time.

Discover Improvement Potential

7 types of waste :


Ex: breakdown sheets, note time, action, comment and ideas while performing a task or watching someone.

Idea generation

Creativity killers:

Creativity Advices:

Brainstorming Rules :

Planification and implementation

In most case, just do it.

Evaluate the new method

Ensure an actual improvement happened, compare before/after, preferably with data. Do a presentation/showcase to co-workers with Q&A session.

CC BY-NC 4.0 2024 © Shu Ding.