Code Complete (book)
One of the key idea is summarized in:
Measure twice, cut once
Suggests reallocation of resources to prevent defects cheaply instead of fixing expensively. Note: sometimes preventing defects is costly and fixing cheap
About pair programming, he matches notes about (mob)[./]:
- don't turn it into watching
- don't force it on easy stuff
- rotate regularly
- match pace
- highly reduce defects, increase quality, increase efficiency...
- 1 monitor, 1 keyboard...
- match senior/junior (avoid all junior) => knowledge transfer
- don't force pairing with person you don't like / mismatch => hard to move forward when both want to go opposite direction
Inspections (can be applied to code reviews):
- provide areas to focus
- focus on defect detection
On testing:
- A successful test is one that breaks the software
- Testing can never prove completely the absence of defects
- Testing by itself does not improve quality
- Testing requires to assume you'll find errors. In a Glenford Myers study, the average programmer found 5/15 defects, max was 9/15
On debugging:
defects as opportunities => helps learn the code, product, how to fix, mistakes made...
Inneffective approaches:
- guessing
- not trying to understand the problem (not the code)
- fixing the symptom (not looking for the root cause)
Scientific method:
- gather data through repeatable experiments
- form hypothesis
- test hypothesis
- draw conclusions
Self documenting code: comment only informations that cannot be expressed by the code itself. ex:
// computes the square root using Newton-Raphson method
const squareRoot = (n) => {
// complex code implementation here
Another example is commenting on performance tricks that are not obvious and might get simplified if not hinted.
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