
Big O Time complexity

Remove constants etc O(2N) => O(N) O(N² + N) => O(N²)

Search Algorithms

Linear Search

loop over an array from start/end and eq check. O(N)

Binary Search

Only on ordered array. Dichotomy (check middle, greater than? repeat left : right) log2(N) time => O(logN)

2 crystal ball problem

N floor building, 2 crystal balls, find out which floor they break. Whenever we loop check step by step it's O(N) => we have to jump by a unit that is not N to optimize. If we jump by sqrt(N), we have sqrt(N) on the first ball, and sqrt(N) on the 2nd one. O(2sqrt(N)) => O(sqrt(N))


Bubble Sort

loop over array, check if greater than next item, swap. Next, repeat but loop over array length -1, because the last one is sorted (greatest). Next, repeat until length -2, 2 last items sorted. this N times (wrapping loop). This takes N x (N + (N-1) + (N-2) + ... + 1). The sum if you add the last item to the first etc ends up being N/2 (+ constant maybe), so we have a complexity of O(N*N/2) => O(N²)

Quick Sort

Pick an pivot item in the array (ideally somewhere in the middle). Place > items to the left, > items to the right. Then reccursion on left/right until 1 item arrays. O(NlogN) Worst case: reversed array => becomes O(N²)


Linked Lists

O(1) to add items (break & recreate links) O(1) to get the front/tail O(N) to traverse the array (ex: deletion in the middle) vs Array : less cost to insert (array needs to shift items)

Array Lists

[1,2, -, -, -, -] => length 2, reserve capacity 6. push and pop are O(1). When push overflows capacity, recreate new array with bigger capacity. Enqueue (insert at start) is O(N), need to shift all items. Dequeue too. Get item is worst on LinkedLists, removing from the front is worst on ArrayLists.

Buffer Lists

[-, -, -, 1, 2, -, -, -, -] index based head and tail. Push, pop, shifts are O(1). Can modulo head & tail (ring buffer), so that if we overflow at the end we insert at start if there is room. => resize when tail exceeds head.


Breadth first Search

Translates to "en longueur", we visit all items at each level.

Binary Search Trees

Tree with a rule "this side is >=, this side is <". "find" is O(log(N)) or edge case O(N) if it is not ballanced. "insert" is on average O(log(N)), worst case O(N), height grows log compared to total item size (like a square's area) if it's ballanced.

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