How big tech companies run projects

deep dive article on the topic: (How Big Tech Runs Tech Projects and the Curious Absence of Scrum)[ (opens in a new tab)]

Example: Skype (all in on scrum) vs Whatsapp (purposely ignore all heavy process) -> Whatsapp out-executed Skype and won the market.

Plan -> Build (Iterate) -> Ship

@ Amazon, Apple, Datadog, Facebook, Google, Netflix, Shopify, Uber...

Amazon has 6-pagers for the "plan" phase.

Most go through an RFC-like phase before iterating.

Some use a Kanban-like process to work on the top priority.

Shopify calls it "GSD" (Get Sh*t Done) in 6 week cycles.

The cycle is often around 6-8 weeks, enough to ship something meaningful, but not too long to be able to see the end. Sometimes with a 2 week "cool down" period to work on other things.

They all focus on:

The product manager is not in charge of project management. They don't write tickets/tasks. They focus on vision, strategy & partnership. Engineers carry most of the project management responsibility & create their own tasks.

Competent, autonomous people need less structure to produce reliable, high-quality output. Big Tech is able to attract, afford and hire these people.

Scrum/Jira is optimized for reporting => low trust environment

6-pager (Amazon)

RFCs (Uber)

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